Compositor e intérprete, com raizes e influências estendidas entre a cultura alentejana, o Alto Minho e a música de José Afonso - Amílcar Vasques-Dias está Em Foco no MIC.PT em janeiro.
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Local de Composição/Estúdio Instituto de Sonologia do Conservatório Real de Haia
Instrumentação Detalhada
Categoria Musical Solo
com electrónica em tempo real
Instrumentação Sintética Recitante e Electrónica em Tempo Real
Data 1987/Apr/14
António Ferreira (electroacústica sobre suporte, electrónica em tempo real e voz)
Entidade/Evento STEIM
Localidade Amesterdão
País Países Baixos
Autor do Texto Rodney Waschka II
Título do Poema ou Texto [telephone poles formerly (...)]
LetraMore Adult Music telephone poles formerly fine trees see their width now nailed and wired both crucifix and thief they pass the word across the west the President has orders the businessmen inventories warm yellow fruit three hours before dawn the drunks send mumbles across Texas shaking Comanche rattles our mothers chant prayers the singers repeats its story with a limp and a spit while she whispers lover to a clay strange man all these slide the lights jangling at the end the poles hold their burden high they peer into the sand grit night watching satellites and dream of purple blue and green of Irish monks and tales they heard from far away with a limp and a spit while she wispers businessmen inventories warm yellow fruit the drunks send mumbles nailed and wired both crucifix and thief they pass the word with a limp and a spit jangling at the end the poles hold their burden high they peer into the sand grit night watching satellites and dreaming both crucifix and thief nailed and wired telephone poles see their width formely fine trees the President has orders warm yellow fruit three hours before dawn across the west our mothers chant prayers shaking Comanche rattles across Texas across the President the businessmen our mothers the singer with a limp and a spit while she whispers all these slide the lights jangling at the end they peer into the sand grift night watching satellites and dreaming of purple green and blue of Irish monks and tales they heard from far a moment ago telephone poles across the west now nailed and wired both crucifix and thief now they pass the word now the President has orders now the businessmen inventories warm yellow fruit see their width the drunks send mumbles across Texas three hours before dawn with a limp and a spit while she whispers lover to a clay strange man jangling at the end these slide the lines the poles they peer into the sand grit night watching satellites and dreaming of purple and tales they hear from far a moment ago telephone poles shaking Comanche rattles across Texas telephone poles across the west both crucifix and thief nailed and wired now see their widht formerly fine threes the President has orders the businessmen inventories warm yellow fruit the poles hold their burden high now nailed and wired they pass the word both crucifix and thief with a limp and a spit while she wispers lover to a clay strange man formerly fine trees they peer into the sand grit night dreaming slide the lights jangling at the end Irish monks now nailed and wired green and tales into the sand across Texas our mothers chant prayers while she whispers lover across Texas across the west
Texto existente na versão gravada em disco
Autor do Texto Maria José
Na versão que foi gravada em disco o texto é da autoria de Rodney Waschka II
Inv Row
More Adult Music
Países Baixos
António Ferreira (electroacústica sobre suporte, electrónica em tempo real e voz)